Jeremiah 29:11 tell us this: 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares theLord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
That is what I will cling to! It will simply be by the Grace of God that this next stage in our family life will be successful.
We are about to become a homeschool family. School will be in session starting with the New Year.
Recovered yet?
For those of you who know me, this may or may not be shocking. I will admit that I am still shocked that we chose this path. The traditional classroom has proved a challenge for our oldest daughter. She struggles to sit still, doesn't like to write out sentences (although she is more than capable of doing so) and becomes frustrated easily and is distracted by others. So the die is cast, the decision made, I will be her teacher.
Are you giggling to yourself because you know how patient I am (not)? Yeah, me too!
It's going to be a whole new adventure! I'm sure that the (im)perfect moments will abound. So it should make for some great material!
Say a prayer for us when you have a free moment, we could use them!
God Bless from my (im)perfect mess....